
Benefits of Foothills Bluegrass Music Society


  • you get a discount on ticket prices for FBMS concerts and other events
  • you can bring your family (those living in the household), along to concerts at the members' price. This applies to tickets purchased at the door as well as in advance.
  • you receive e-news bulletins to remind you about upcoming FBMS concerts and other events
  • you are able to borrow materials from the FBMS lending library
  • you are eligible to vote at the FBMS Annual General Meeting

The Cost of Membership is:

$20/year for a single membership

$30/year for a family (2 adults and children in the same household)

FBMS memberships may be purchased or renewed:

  • at any of the FBMS concerts or events
  • by mailing this form along with a cheque or money order (made out to the FBMS for the appropriate amount) to:

    Foothills Bluegrass Music Society
    P.O. Box 84146 (Market Mall PO)
    Calgary, AB, Canada, T3A 5C4
  • by contacting the Membership Co-ordinator at
  • if you require a membership card please provide your address when you pay.